The following is an abstract of the last bread act (5 and 6 William IV., c. 37), entitled "An Act to repeal the several Acts The North Face North Face Outlet now in force relating to Oread to be sold out of the City of London and the Weekly Bilk of Mortality ; and for the more effectually preventing the Adulteration of Bread, Meal, and Flour." Bakers may make aud sell bread made of wheat, barley, rye, oats, buckwheat, Indian corn, pease, beans, rice, or potatoes, or any of them, along with common salt, pure water, eggs, milk, barm, leaven, and mixed in any proportions they may choose. " Dread may be rmtOe of any size and weight. Bread to be sold by weight, and North Face in no other manner (French rolls and fancy bread excepted). Bakers to use avoirdupois weight, of sixteen ounce* lo the pound, and no other. Penalty for using false weights, £5. Bakers delivering bread by cart, &c, to be provided with scales and weight-!. Bakers convicted of Adulterating bread by using any other ingredient besides thuso above mentioned, are liable to a penalty of £10, and to have their names and abodes advertised in the newspapers. Penalty for adulterating (four, meal, Ac., £20. Bread made of any other grain North Face Jackets but wheat to be marked with the letter M. Magistrates and peace-officers, by warrant, may search bakers' premises, and seize and carry away adulterated bread and flour. Penalty for obstructing search, < imprisonment. or fine them subjects bakeim journeymen default wilful occasioned Offences offence. subsequent every for sum like £10, penalty offender premises, bakers? found being
flydream le mercredi 01 décembre 2010
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