The holes are now all closed in succession, and the pile is covered over with earth as accurately as possible, till the fire is completely extinguished, going out for want of air. The pile is now allowed to cool, which requires many days; for charcoal, being a very bad conductor of heat, the pile remains long red hot in the centre, and shape ups boots if opened in this state, will immediately burn with fury.421. In France they use a great deal shape ups of charcoal for many purposes, particularly in their kitchens. In the forest of skechers shoes Benon, skechers near Rochelle, great attention is paid to the manufacture of it. It is there made from shape ups skechers the black oak, and is sold above 20 per cent, dearet than any other. It is made in heaps covered with turf, nearly in the manner described above. An improvement has lately been made in its manufacture, by filling in all the interstices of the heap of wood to be charged with powdered charcoal. The quality of the fuel made in this manner is equal to-cylinder charcoal, and the quantity is one fifth by weight greater than in the usual method.422. Charcoal for ordinary purposes is made in the open air, as above described; but when it is required of greater purity than common, as for shape ups shoes the manufacture of gunpowder, the charring is performed in closed iron cylinders, fixed in masonry over a grate: this is furnished with a door at one end that can be accurately closed, and skechers shape ups terminating in the other in a curved pipe.
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