In the centre of this area is placed a circle of sticks, adjoining each other, and composing a vertical shape ups shoes hollow cylinder from three to four inches in diameter, and about six feet high. Round this interior cylinder are ranged successive circles formed by pieces from one to ten inches in diameter: several flues are formed through the pile, and the whole is so constructed, that it kindles in a short time, and burns very equally.The outermost circle is composed of brushwood and chips. When the pyramidal pile measures from twenty to thirty feet in skechers shoes diameter, it is sufficiently large. It would shape ups skechers burn out. when kindled, into a vast blaze, and be quickly consumed lo ashes, but that a coaling is now laid on of turf, the grassy side being next lo the wood ; and dry earth is heaped up round the bottom of the pile, and well rammed, in order to prevent the admission of air. Three or four screens, formed of large hurdles well stuffed with brushwood, are also prepared, in order to protect the pile from the violence of the wind. All the preparations being now completed, the pile is kindled by dropping lighted chips down the hollow cylinder in the centre, which, in proportion as they are consumed, are supplied by others during the first three or four days, at the end of which period the kindling of the pile is completed. The top skechers of the cylinder is now closed, and a row of holes, each about two inches in diameter, is pierced at the base of the pile, by which the requisite quantity of air is supplied, and a passage shape ups boots is afforded for the smoke and vapour. Whenever the white watery smoke is succeeded by thin blue and transparent smoke, which may take place in about skechers shape ups a fortnight, it is reckoned that all the watery and volatile part is dissipated, and that the burning shape ups of the coaly matter is commencing; therefore the fire must be stopped.
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